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We are incredibly proud to have Cecilie Bofill, Oliver Hundebøll, Martin Ovesen, Daisy Nielsen and Oliver Suhr as ambassadors for BACKTEE.

Cecilie Bofill
turned Pro in January 2020, she plays on the Ladies European Tour. Was born and raised in Silkeborg, where her home club Silkeborg Ry Golf Klub is also located.






Oliver Hundebøll is just like Cecilie from Silkeborg. Oliver turned pro in early 2019, he plays on the Challenge Tour.






Martin Ovesen turnede Pro in 2013. His home club is Kolding Golf Klub. He plays on the Challenge Tour.






Oliver Suhr's home club is Rungsted Golf Klub, he turned Pro in 2007, he plays on the ECCO Tour.  






Daisy Nielsen

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