BSCI - Business Social Compliance Initiative

BACKTEE's products are produced in many different places around the world, including so-called risk countries. That is, countries where it is assessed that there is a significant risk that there may be challenges with, for example, working conditions. Responsible supplier management is therefore one of the most important areas in BACKTEE's work with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

Common Code of Conduct
Amfori BSCI is an international supplier audit system that ensures responsibility in the supply chain in risk countries.

As a member of Amfori BSCI, BACKTEE has joined a common Code of Conduct - that is, a common set of rules with a number of specific requirements for the conditions in the factories where the goods are produced.

The Code of Conduct contains 11 principles for ethical and socially responsible business conduct. Among other things, child labor, forced labor, corruption and discrimination are prohibited, while requirements are made for safe working conditions, reasonable working hours and that employees have the right to organize in trade unions. In addition, consideration is given to protecting the environment.